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Longarm Quilting Workshops

Welcoming our first students to the Pinhole Quilting Showroom in October felt like a significant moment in our PInhole Quilting journey.

With the assistance of Handi Quilter Educator Abigail Sheridan de Graaff we held Foundation, Intermediate and Design Workshops at our new Showroom near Pershore.

It was great to see how much the hands on experience really helped to consolidate their learning.

In our survey after the course, 100% of attendees rated the longarm course as Excellent.

Feedback from some of the students -

"Practical and detailed presentations and demonstrations from very knowledgeable and experienced people. Quality and range of the student exercises was excellent. Personal time taken to answer questions and assist at the machine was invaluable. Great class size and plenty of space to work in. The range of supplies available for students to use within the workshop was fabulous. The facilities are excellent and the lunches superb."

"I enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere, the fact that there were plenty of resources available to use, help when it was needed, optional sessions with a have a go attitude and a watchful eye kept on all participants. Lunch was also very pleasant."

"I liked the amount of hands-on time we got on the long arms. While I did not use the exact model I own, I got experience with one that was slightly different."

Here are some photos from the three days. Students did one, two or all three days, depending on their requirements. The final day was a Design Workshop - the first time we had run that particular workshop.

It combined theory, hands on team work and practical sessions. Everyone seemed to enjoy their learning on all three days.

For the first time we also used a live Ipod feed projected onto a large screen so students could be at their machines, watch the demo and then reproduce the designs, so it really speeded up learning.

If you are interested in finding out more about our workshops and classes please visit our page where you can book online. If you have recently purchased a Handi Quilter you should have received a code so that your Foundation course is free.

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Unit 22, Highgrove Farm

Seaford, Pinvin



WR10 2LF

01905 942972 or 07801 866300

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